We are all born into certain times for a reason. The greater the opportunity of any particular time, the greater the darkness mustered against those opportunities, because the whole point of existence on this plane is about souls and who will harvest them, nothing else is relevant. Some of us can walk out into the world and see it in living color on any given day and some of us see only what ‘they’ are projecting upon the human mind with their magical arts of concealment and illusion. Awakening comes with risk. You can’t un-know certain things. You can’t get your virginity back once your ignorance has been violated by the lingam of revelation. This is why people hide so desperately from exposure to the truth. The truth is like acid. It will eat away all the foundations upon which people have built their false lives.
The truth destroys the veils which hide you from yourself. The truth sears its message upon the soul and it cannot be unwritten. Most of us would never risk the comfort of our illusions for the bright and initially painful light of what actually is. This is why it comes for us at regular intervals, breaks down our walls and gives us the chance, if we so wish, to rise to our real potential or go running in panic back into the warm darkness of attractive dreams and certain death. In most ages there are only a few souls with the courage to penetrate these veils. In this time we are all given this opportunity in varying degrees. “How bad do you want it? How bad do you want it? Not bad enough!!!” Don Henley channeled a lot of interesting points in his time. Truth leaks into our world continuously through music and the various arts …and history saves the best examples for us to ponder at will, but most would rather read crap like Cosmo because the camouflage of cosmetics is the passport to appetite satisfaction, until you’re not attractive any more.
Dog Poet Transmitting……..